haag 1Viete ako sa hovorí, že neplánované akcie sú tie najlepšie? No, tak presne tak isto to bolo aj s našim výletom do Holandska. S priateľom sme plánovali, že si urobíme nejaký pekný predĺžený víkend. Nie niekde ďaleko, rozmýšľali sme či Budapešť alebo Tatry, Holandsko nás ani nenapadlo. Zrazu to tak prišlo, kúpili sme si lístky a už sme len čakali. Áno, to čakanie bolo najhoršie, to je vždy najhoršie. Nakoniec sme sa ocitli v krajine veterných mlynov na 10 dní. 😀 No a na hraniciach medzi Českom a Nemeckom som sa chvíľku začínala báť či sa tam vôbec dostaneme. Celkom funny historka 😀 Pri hraničnej kontrole nám kontrolovali doklady, no a môjmu priateľovi ho nejako nevrátili hneď po kontrole ale chvíľku si ho ešte prezerali, overovali si jeho rodné číslo aj číslo občianskeho. Nakoniec mu ho vrátili a teraz si z toho akurát urobíme srandu. Verte mi aj vy by ste si robili keby ste videli ako môj priateľ na fotke na občianskom vyzerá (no v skratke ako člen nejakého Mexického gangu) a ako vyzeral pri kontrole (mal na sebe staré tielko, bola noc takže aj celkom rozbito). No proste, aj ja by som si ho na ich mieste preverila rovnako. 😀

Aký dojem na mňa Holandsko urobilo? Úplne úžasný. Na Holandsku vidno, že o krajinu sa starajú. Aj keď mestá čisté neboli a pšikovia kakali ešte aj v nákupnom centre. Musím povedať, že Holandsko mi hrozne pripomínalo Anglicko. Veľa malých červených tehlových domčekov, rovnaké uličky veľa cudzincov a Poliaci a poľské obchody. 😀 V centre naopak boli mrakodrapy, také tie európske mrakodrapy (vysoké ale nie až tak ako tie americké 😀 ). Väčšinou sme sa chodili prechádzať a pozerať Rotterdam (tam sme bývali) až večer keďže sme dlho spali a väčšinou som dakde chcela chodiť len ja. 😀 Nakoniec sme toho pochodili dosť veď zastávky metra už poznáme naspamäť. 😀 Viac ako Rotterdam sa mi však páčil Haag a samozrejme Amsterdam (ale o Amsterdame až v ďalšom poste).

No a Haag, ten sme nemali možnosť pozrieť si nejako detailnejšie ale aj to čo sme videli bolo neuveriteľné. Aj keď istý čas som mala pocit, že ma tam odfúkne, keďže mesto je pri mori a my sme sa boli pozrieť práve na pláži, tak tam tak “pomenej” fúkalo. Pri fotení som musela mobil pevne držať, pretože nechýbalo veľa a odfúklo by mi ho. Jednoznačne je toto miesto lepšie navštíviť v lete ako v zime. 😀 Ale nevadí, stálo to za to a určite by som si to zopakovala aj keby tam fúkalo viac (aj keď proti vetru by som sa už asi ani nepohla). 😀

A čo si brať do Holandska? Hlavne veľa peňazí (najmä ak ste nákupný maniak rovnako ako ja), veľký kufor (lebo ak si vezmete malý, tak sa nepobalíte na cestu naspäť alebo budete musieť kúpiť ešte jeden priamo tam), hotovosť (veľmi dôležité ak máte Visu alebo MasterCard, veľakrát sa môže stať, že s tými kartami jednoducho nezaplatíte a ak za výber nechcete platiť poplatky, tak si určite vezmite väčšiu hotovosť so sebou). Ak ste fajčiar a nechcete kupovať drahé cigarety, tak si vezmite aj tie. No a hlavne si to poriadne užite, pretože to je najdôležitejšie. 🙂haghlodhaag

Eco Terrorism


Hey guys 🙂 In this post I want to write about very popular topic. It is talked everywhere by everybody and someone goes crazy about it. Yes, I am talking about eco trend. What I want to write at the beginning of this post is that please respect my opinion as I respect opinion of others. Maybe many pople would hate me because of my opinion because yes, I admit that I am not eco person but I have to say that I do care about our planet. But, I hate when someone talks me about what should I do and what I should not. I use plastic drinking-straws and I do not think it is something bad because when I am somewhere outside and they do not have paper ones or metal ones so, yes, I do use plastic. Of course, when there is an option to use the “eco” straws I choose them but sometimes you don’t have a choice and I really do not want to carry my own.

I do not separate rubbish because I think in our country at the end the all rubbish is put together so, I think it’s fruitless. So, please, do not tell me to put somethink into plastic bin or paper bin. I will separate when I will know that it is really separate. I use tampons because it is the most comfortable for me so I really won’t change it. And, yes, I always choose car if it is possible because it is just comfortable and why should I travel by dirty public transport where people do not respect each other. And, I do wear fast-fashion clothes but who doesn’?

But, I do other thinkgs which help our planet to be healthier. I do not eat meat, I prefer plant-based food. I try to choose cosmetics which is natural. Even though I use plastic things, if I have a choice always choose something more “eco”. I always try to put rubbish into bin and always tell others to do the same. I know it is just little but I do at least something so, please, do not persuade me that I “hate our planet.” If everybody would do just a little steps, the situation would be better. But, it is something which everybody should realize. Nobody should persuade other, nobody should be “eco terrorist.” 🙂

We Should Calm Down


I am here after such a long time. I am here to continue with my blog because I really missed it and I don’t really know why I stopped writing. It is something which makes me happy but it is also something which takes my time and I have to say I do not have a lot of free time. Yes, this is my last year at the university so I have to study really hard to finish it. People usually say that the last year is the easiest one but I think that our school is special again and this year is the hardest. I really need to organize my life and my time better because I have time for nothing except school (I even do not have time for school) and work. Yes, work takes my time the most. Now, Ieven want to write this blog but this is something like my hobby…luckily 😀 

I think, or I should say I know, I am not the only one who does not have any free time because of school and work and other activities we have to do in our life. But, I think we should calm down. Our lives are so hectic and I really do not like it. I do not have time for my friends and family. That is not good. I decided to slow down my life a little bit so I will not work so much next month. Now, I feel tired everyday, I drink 6 coffees per day and I know it is not right. I decided to change my lifestyle a little bit and change my habits and I believe itwill be better soon. I cannot complain, I have good life but I just need to change it and you should too. I know that nowadays almost every young person works hard and doesn’t have time for family and friend and doesn’t have time to relax but everybody should realize that is really important. So take a break, and enjoy your life because that really matters. 🙂

Right now I am going to relax…finally. Just face mask, TV, my doggy and I. 😉

(I know I look a little bitfunny here but I don’t care…that’s how I look after a bath, beofre goingto bed and with a cup of tea in front of me :* )20180105_104251




I think that all of us have days when we just do not feel good. These moods can have reason (broken heart, arguing, work, school, and many others) but sometimes you just wake up and you know that your day will not be very good. You do not want to do anything, jus lay and cry or think about some stupid and negative things. But, of course, crying and thinking won’t help you to overcome bad mood. When I have bad mood I try to think about something positive and I have some tips which help me to go through these stupid days. 🙂

The first of all I listen to the music. I have some song which help me to be happy and positive. Which songs? For example: Little Mix (Power, Shout Out to My Ex), Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull (Messin Around), Louis Tomlinson (Back To You), Niall Horan (Slow Hands) and, of course, many others which are not sad and help me to dance and sing…which is not good for anybody whose position is somewhere around me. 😀

Next very helpful activity is shopping. Who does not like buying new things…especially clothes and make-up? Shopping usually takes a lot of time so it means that you do not think about your problems (of course, when you have problem to decide if you want black or red dress…don’t think about it and buy both). And then, when you come home, you don’t have to go back to your problems because you are excited from your new clothes and other stuff. 

And the third activity which help me is reading some motivational quotes. Maybe, you think that it is stupid and that it sounds like a cliché but it really helps me. At first, I used to read them just when someone post them on socialnetwork but later, I relized that it helps so I started to read them everyday and they really can improve my mood and raise my self-confidence. 🙂

I am sure that many of you have other recipes which help you to make your days more beautiful but these three help me and I am sure that they can help other people. So go and listen to do music, buy new things, read motivational quotes and make your life more beautiful and positive. 😉




I think that everybody has something in life which inspires him or her or, at least, everybody should have something like that. It can be anything or anyone. What does inspiration mean to me? For me, it is basically everything around me because everything in this world can teach you something. Of course, there are some people who are my idols and who inspire me but the biggest inspiration for me are my goals and dreams. These two things are the reason why I do what I do. It is something like fuel for me. But if you want your dreams and goals to be a fuel for you, you need to know what you want to achieve. I exactly know what I want, my dreams are clear and I am going to catch them. Your dreams can be big and people can laugh and say that it is impossible to achieve what you want but it cannot stop you. The only things you have to do is dream for it, believe in it and work for it. And, of course, remember that DREAMS DO COME TRUE. 🙂